Will AI Save Journalism, or Kill It? The Future Forward Podcast #0078
This week, the questions that have journalists looking fearfully to the future “Can Machines Make Media?” Then — is our love affair with tech over? One WIRED writer says — Not So Fast. And, the U.S. Updated it's Nuclear Arsenal — to solve what is being called a ‘deterrence gap.’ I’m Alexa Scordato — and I’m Steven Rosenbaum — and this is Future Forward.
Chapter #1
Machines and Media
Oren Aharon, CEO & Founder, Hour One http://www.hourone.ai/
Terry Chen, VP of Audio, Modulate https://modulate.ai/
Katherine Maher, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation
Chapter #2
Why I (Still) Love Tech: In Defense of a Difficult Industry
Chapter #3 (*recorded 5/24)
Glenn Zorpette / IEEE
How the United States Plans to Update Its Nuclear Arsenal