Trump Supporters: In There Own Words

Steve Rosenbaum
6 min readJun 1, 2017


At today’s announcement that the United States is pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, the White House video feed was streamed live on Facebook. I cut and copied a swath of comments, not edited at all (and not all of them by any means. But reading them is instructive.

Dale Haagenstad Like he said anything we do and all the money we spend on this would be wiped out by China and All the many many country’s spuing crap all over the place.

Tatiana Alexandrov Leftist libs open your minds, hearts to reality and to the truth-you’ve been hoodwinked for so long by by the politicians you’ve venerated! No more!

Greg Zahn John Carpenter, I really think you’d love the Ivory Coast …. or maybe Uganda or Somalia ….. why don’t you take your pathetic countenance there? You’re not going to like the continued losing in 2018, 2020, 2022 and beyond! :D

Angela Padovani Good try Christopher — the people who are so hatefully applauding this do read or think and will be tragically unmoved by you evidence or pleas

Roy Preston North Korea or ISIS is going to kill us long before the environment.

Pamela Horsburgh Amazingly these left people are crying about the climate when everyone of their protests trashed this country hypocrisy all left idiots.

Lew Pepper Anyone out there concerned about the impatc of carbon-based climate change? CO2 doesn’t recognize national boundaries even if you think it is the only thing that matters. What do you propose? Should we just ignore the problem?

George Hutchinson Well it’s about time we’ve got an honest politician who does what he says he’s going to do. We can leave the nothing burgers To the Hillary Clinton’s of this world. What a breath of fresh air after eight years of Obama.

Carl Forscht I wish the damage from climate change only effected conservatives, their children and other deniers. Sadly it doesn’t work that way. Leading from behind is not possible.

Tom Bowen Mr president disregard nasty comments from people who walk around with the blinders on. There are millions that support you, and your doing a great job.

Mike Brisbois YOU are giving up our economic edge by yielding our world leadership position.

Jo Wilcox Ebbert No deal necessary, man caused climate change is a hoax and carbon tax credits are the biggest scam of all. Look who’s behind that scam and you’ll see, it’s all about the money.

Sean Koerner yes! climate change is waste of time! let’s spend billions of dollars on a concrete wall when we have airplanes that can fly over it (i.e. how most immigrants actually come here)

Mary Angles Best president we’ve had sin Reagan put America first and back to work get these wefare recipents off their lazy behinds and go to work

Bonnie Rucker Loved when you told other countries in NATO to pay their own share! They went from all smiles to oh my we have to pay our own bills!

Benard Campomanes Libs don’t believe in carbon Dioxide. Know why? Because the ONLY INHALE.

Joel Heiselman Thank you Mr president for always thinking of America’s first

Judy Chambers Miniatis-Heinhorst I cannot believe the number of liberals who drink the koolaid the left wing dems have been endoctrinating them with for years and then continue to go back and beg for more. You have been played for years.

Patricia Fortner Wakeford Liberals believe gov paid scientist and don’t believe private scientist. That says it all.

Anna Luna 75% of the Great Barrier Reef is dead, last year they said it was bleached, now it is dead. Many causes lead back to human activity. The death of the reefs equivocates to human starvation.

Joan Lee All the cash shoveled into the bs “climate change “ farce, will NOT change a thing. Its weather.

Andrea Tolle Obama stopped the Dakota pipeline because it illegally ran through Native American territory, which the people were afraid the pipeline would leak. And it will. Where will you get clean water to drink?

Linda Kay My intelligent 12 year old son did an extensive study on climate change. At 12 he discovered what a bunch of non-sense it is.

Marty Murray CO2 is not pollution. It is what plants thrive on. You’ve been duped. Go back to elementary school.

Travis Keizer Liberals truly pollute the more than any one else on the planet. Ask their parents, since they are still living with them…

John Carpenter Sad that this maniac represents our country. His ignorant decisions supposedly represent the collective thought of our country and how we are viewed by the rest of the world.

Lisa Rush DeHart AGAINST the Will of the People and the World including major Corporations — disgusting — first he loses our allies Now this

Barbara Buck Whitehead All you people against this should educate yourself about what it — more redistribution of America’s wealth than anything to do with climate.

Tony Palumbo All you hardcore liberals need to pay attention to facts, effectiveness, costs, impacts, fairness, and reality. We can’t just sign up to something as stupid and punitive as this that will not change anything in our climate.

Suzette Espinoza de Aguado This is how you stand alone. He has made enemies of our allies.

Rich Babcock All these people hating,on this man must think that he has sum,kind of magic wand where he can just do everything with a snap,of his finger and everything be better,people it is goin to take years GIVE HIM A CHANCE

Jeremy Hatley Climate change is the last thing we need to worry about.

Vernon Younker Thank you Mr President!!! American first, stand your ground cut the fat, you are keeping your promises. Thank God you are in the White House. The money 💰we are saving can be used in better places. Prayers for you and your family and our Great Country🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Yvonne Eiland He is gonna cut coal miners air off and then send them to work in coal dafuq we gone have clean water when he allows dumping. If i was paris ide tell him to go suck his own D**k…#notmypotus hes a lying theif!!!

Robyn Hutchison Evans The truth is….probably 1% of viewers even understand this Paris Accord. Let’s educate ourselves

TK Swiss What’s worse not lowering the world temperature by 1/3 of a degree OR continuing to let terrorists mass murder the people of the world?

Larry Schumacher NO! To any renegotiation of this terrible Paris NWO agreement. NO to any New Deal!!!

John Meredith When his hair is standing up all over the place and he’s shouting “it’s the humidity” he will finally understand the impact of global warming

Amanda James Marshburn Small Business Truckers voted for you! Time to save us!!! Save our families! Save our American Dream that mega carriers are trying to destroy in DC!!!

Mark Nunez If any of you climate change people can tell me how an ecosystem works then you will understand that there is no such thing as global warming in climate change but the world is governed my other rules that you may not want to hear

Nana Weems Don’t deal with the rest of the world…. lets just fix our country ourselves… we know what we need to do…. lets just do it!!!!… we don’t need no stinking Paris accord!!!!

Barbara Sawyer Kendrick He speaks from the heart and the TRUTH! How exciting because we will boom. Climate change is a hoax in my opinion but he’s willing to help but sounds like we were getting screwed over!🙄

Sheila M Francis Riffe The working class people are no stupid…. u snotty person!!! We are the silent majority!!!!!! We have carried this country … now hear us respectfully roar!!!!

Xtov Dauphin 16.3 tons of CO2 per American, makes you the highest polluter after your non democratic friends of the Arabic peninsula

Chuck Jackson This was an illegitimate treaty signed by Obama and never passed by to Congress as required by law. For the millions we give in foreign aide why don’t we require those countries to use it for helping the environment if that is really the problem?

Jared Nothstein I’d love to know how the Paris accord helping our environment…it didn’t. Nothing changed under 8 years of ago. Words from Obama and more regulations did nothing

Arianna Rossi Grow at what cost? You may not experience the negative externalities now and maybe your children won’t either… but think about the future generations!!!!

George Patricks Klauss it took him only 100 days to fix what has been wrong for us this entire time. America has been going down and down and down. And he is fixing that. We will do better financially

Steven R Wilson Amazing how insane liberals are “destroy our planet”.. such cultists!! Good Lord.

